
NoHR 3.0 for Protégé 5.X

NoHR 3.0 for Protégé 5.X can be downloaded from here.

System Requirements

Please refer to the software's own documentation for installation instructions.


To install NoHR 3.0, simply copy the nohr-plugin-3.0.0.jar file into the plugins folder of the Protégé installation folder. Before using NoHR 3.0 for the first time, you must configure the plugin.


You can configure NoHR 3.0 plugin by accessing File > Preferences... and then select the NoHR tab.


Quickstart Guide

Once you start Protégé, you can access the NoHR functionality from two new tabs (NoHR Rules and NoHR Query) that can be made available from the Window menu.


NoHR 2.X for Protégé 5.0

NoHR 2.X for Protégé 5.0 can be downloaded from here.

You may also access the open source code here or download the API (jars, sources, and documentation) here.

To install NoHR 2.X for Protégé 5.0 you need to:

NoHR 1.X for Protégé 4.X

NoHR for Protege 4.X is no longer actively supported, but it can still be downloaded from here.

To install NoHR you need to: Install XSB Prolog, Install NoHR, and Configure Protégé.